Our system tracks a cookie that is automatically applied to the computer of a person who clicks on a banner or text link that has your affiliate ID number embedded within it. Each banner or link that you create is specifically tagged with your ShareASale ID number, letting us know that you deserve commission on the sales you send our way. You can access all of these banners and links by logging in your ShareASale Account and choosing from any of the banners or simple text links available. These links can be used from any website, put directly into a browser or emailed out in the case of text links. You can test a link by copying and pasting it into your browser. If you are directed to the FitBark homepage, the link is working. Do not copy and paste a landing page url from our website (i.e. www.fitbark.com?SSAID=123456) and confuse it for an affiliate link, since it will not track properly. All affiliate links begin with βhttp://www.shareasale.com/r.cfmB=β¦β
Written by Davide Rossi
Updated over a week ago