Welcome to FitBark! You are probably reading this because you just received your FitBark device from your trainer, veterinarian or an entity that administers a study or monitoring program. To participate, you will need an iOS or Android smartphone as well as the FitBark User Email Address of the entity who is leading the program.
Here’s how to set up your FitBark and share your dog’s data.
Setting up your FitBark device
Charge your new FitBark for 90 minutes using the cable provided
Make sure Bluetooth is on in your iOS or Android device
Download the FitBark Mobile App for iOS (from the Apple Store) or Android (from Google Play)
Launch the FitBark App and follow the on-screen instructions to create a user profile and a dog profile
Sharing your dog’s data
From the FitBark app:
Tap on your pet's profile picture (top right)
In the PET SETTINGS menu, select Owners & Caregivers
Tap on the ADD HUMAN button
Insert the FitBark User Email Address you received from the program lead
Select "Caregiver", and enable "Share Hourly Activity" (this grants full activity data access to the program lead)
Select “SEND INVITE” to send the invite
This completes the setup. Every time you sync your dog’s FitBark, the entity administering the study will be able to view your dog’s activity and sleep information remotely.
Revoking data access
After the study is complete, you have the option (but not the obligation) to stop sharing the data. To learn how to do this, head over here.