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How can I link a human activity monitor?
Sara Rossi avatar
Written by Sara Rossi
Updated over 5 months ago

Tap on your profile picture (top left) to access your settings page, then select Integrations.

Select the tracker you’d like to add.

This will open a new browser window where you can enter your human tracker’s credentials.

Leave everything “checked” as suggested.

This completes the human tracker configuration.

To view your pet's progress next to yours, go to the TOGETHER view in the FitBark mobile app (tap on the Heart icon at the bottom), and tap on Human to enable the comparison.

The data is normalized by your respective goals. In other words, what we’re showing in this view is your dog’s BarkPoints divided by its daily goal, and your human primary activity metric (e.g. steps) divided by your personal activity goal. A 100% bar means that either of you has reached your goal on a certain day.

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